Back to school and other witchy thoughts

It’s back to school time in my world and that means a lot of stress. My beautiful child has never done well in traditional schooling. The last time she enjoyed school was Montessori school and that was pre-school! Now she is in high-school. That brings with it a lot of change and scary things for this momma. One of things I have learned is that if you want things to be different you have to do them differently. And that is true for school too. So we are trying a new school. One that will—hopefully—put more emphasis on her creative talents and less on her academic struggles. She’s in the camp of “I’ll believe it when I see it.” and I can’t say that I blame her. School has caused her more harm then good so why would she think differently.

This made me reflect on the old tapes in my head going back to my experiences in school. While I did not have the obvious creative talents that my extraordinary child does it was never even a thought to explore what mine may be. I really internalized the message “its our way or the highway” and took that to heart when I dropped out of high school the beginning of junior year. Clearly I found my path a little bit as I sit here writing this with a master’s degree, professional license and doctoral candidate, BUT I still find myself claiming I do not belong spaces even in social work. And I think it is because I still believe it is “our way or the highway”.

Now it’s time for the witchy thoughts. I promise this will all come together. I follow this account on IG My Metaphysical Maven. Her name is Magdalena and she curates crystals and reads the stars for us all. Give her a follow you won’t be disappointed. Anyhoots, this coming week there is a new moon. Apparently this new moon happens on 9/14 and that hasn’t happened in 19 years, completing some sort of cycle that you will have to as Magdalena about. What she encouraged was to reflect on where your were 19 years ago and what have you or are you working on letting go of. So a couple of fun things with THAT. I’m 38, which means 19 years ago I was 19 and thats just fun. But also when I was 19 I was living deep in the fear and feelings of being me. I have worked incredibly hard on shedding that and loving her so deeply, especially this last year or so. That girl was terrified of being alone and this year has forced me to reframe what connection looks like. If I want something to be different I have to do it differently right? Its not their way or the highway! I can belong with it just being my way. And that means leaning into connections and places that emphasis my creative talents and not my struggles.

It's back to school time friends. Whether that means in the literal sense or your getting a little witchy with it I am here for all of it.


National Daughter’s Day Reflective Thoughts and my new favorite song


You have it all in your head. Now you have to do it…